Call/text Marie & Peter’s cell 604 536 0195, email South Surrey Studios, 14579 16A Ave, BC, Canada.
Swing Dance classes are provided for Beginners of all levels from never danced before to those who are regular social swing dancers. Stop wishing you were having fun. Get off the couch and dance!
We teach 4 levels of beginner swing dance for leading and following. First time dancers start with our Level 1 Beginner Dance Basics Class. It`s a fun easy way to learn the basics for swing dance! We assume that you can only count to 2, walk and run a little. We teach simple steps, lots of repetition, lots of laughs & no pressure! Learn new easy moves every class! Intermediate /Advanced Level Classes coming soon!
Level 1 Beginner Dance Basics – Learn the Beginner Basics for dancing Savoy Lindy Hop- including open position 8 and 6 count basics, and a selection of moves including Follow Pop Out, Promenade, Flip Flop, Lindy Circle, Push, Easy Swing Out, Jockey, Jig Walks, Twists, Rocks, Mess Around, Glide to the Side, Freeze break, Shoulder shrugs, Hip Pops, Stomp & Drag. No previous dance experience required.
Level 2. Beginner Dance Turns – Learn the Full Swing Out and how to mix your Beginner Dance Basics with fun Beginner Dance Turns for Savoy Lindy Hop including follow loop turn, follow arch turn, lead under turn, Lindy outside turn, Lindy inside turn, Tuck Turn and Frisbee Toss. This course is for dancers comfortable dancing a 6 or 8 triple step basic.
Level 3. Beginner Dance Moves 1– Learn the Frankie 4 with Lead and Follow styling including swivels and how to mix Dance Basics and Dance Turns with moves moves moves including moves into closed position and back into open position. Learn the Frankie 4, the pop turn, waist wrap variations, Learn more fancy Frankie dance moves using hand changes including skaters, sweetheart, pull thru, barrel roll, she goes, he goes. Learn Lindy Charleston, 20s Charleston and single time Lindy Hop basics and moves for faster music. Learn Popular Early American Solo Jazz Moves.
Disclaimer: These instructors are not affiliated with Warrior Swing Dance Fellowship.